万小金:男,博士,教授,硕士生导师/博士生导师,武汉理工大学-汽车工程学院-车辆工程系教师。主要从事数字化装配技术、机器人伺服控制及机械系统动力学及其故障诊断等,主持和参与多项国家及省部级项目,其中主持国家自然科学基金3项。发表sci论文23篇,其中以第一作者发表sci论文13篇(中科院一区论文6篇)。教育部创新团队及双一流学科成员。密西根大学(安娜堡)访问学者。国家自然科学基金机械学科同行评议专家。主讲本科生《汽车制造工艺学》专业课和研究生《车辆噪声及振动控制》专业课。多个学术期刊审稿人:《振动与冲击》、《航空制造技术》、《汽车安全与节能学报》、《robotics and autonomous systems》、《》、《international journal of machine tools & manufacture》、《journal of manufacturing processes》等。
2010.11-2014.09 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院车辆工程系 讲师
2014.09-2020.09 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院车辆工程系 副教授
2020.09-至今 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院车辆工程系 教授
1997.09-2001.07太原重型机械学院 机械工程二系 学士
2002.09-2005.07太原科技大学 机械电子工程学院 硕士
2005.09-2010.06华中科技大学 机械科学与工程学院 博士
2015.11-2016.11 密西根大学安娜堡校区,国家公派访问学者
wan xiao-jin, yang junqiang, zhang, yan, dynamic performance optimization of a novel 8-spu parallel walking mechanism. transactions of the asme-journal of computing and information science in engineering, 2020, 20:041004-1-11.
wan xiao-jin, liu licheng, xu zengbing, xu zhigang, gearbox fault diagnosis based on selective integrated soft competitive learning fuzzy adaptive resonance theory. transactions of the asme-journal of computing and information science in engineering, 2019, 19(1):011008-1-13.
wan xiao-jin, yang junqiang, zhang hanjie, optimization of fixture layout based on error amplification factors. transactions of the asme-journal of computing and information science in engineering, 2018,18(4):041007-1-12.
wan xiao-jin, zhang hanjie, optimization design of a walkable fixture mechanism. transactions of the asme-journal of manufacturing science and engineering, 2018, 140(8):081002-1-12.
wan xiao-jin, liu licheng, xu zengbing, xu zhigang, fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on optimized soft competitive learning fuzzy art and similarity evaluation technique. advanced engineering informatics, 2018, 38:91-100.
wan xiao-jin, li qinglei, wang kai. dimensional synthesis of a robotized cell of support fixture. robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing, 2017,48:80-92.
wan xiao-jin, zhang yan, a novel approach to fixture layout optimization on maximizing dynamic machinability , international journal of machine tools and manufacture, 2013, 70(2): 32-44.
wan, xiao-jin, zhang yan, huang xin-da, investigation of influence of fixture layout on dynamic response of thin-wall multi-framed work-piece in machining , international journal of machine tools and manufacture, 2013, 75(12): 87-99.
wan xiao-jin, xiong cai-hua, hua lin, synchronous adjustment of milling tool path based on the relative deviation. transactions of the asme –journal of manufacturing science and engineering, 2011, 133(5):051010-1-12.
wan xiao-jin, hua lin, wang xu-feng, peng qi-ze, qin xun-peng. an error control approach to tool path adjustment conforming to the deformation of thin-walled workpiece. international journal of machine tools and manufacture, 2011, 51(3):221-229.
wan xiao-jin, xiong cai-hua, zhao can,wang xufeng. a unified framework of error evaluation and adjustment in machining. international journal of machine tools and manufacture, 2008, 48(11):1198-1210.
wan xiao-jin, xiong cai-hua, wang xu-feng, zhang xiao-ming, xiong you-lun, analysis–synthesis of dimensional deviation of the machining feature for discrete-part manufacturing processes. international journal of machine tools and manufacture, 2009, 49(15):1214-1233.
wan, xiao-jin xiong, cai-hua, wang, xu-feng, zhang, xiao-ming, xiong,you-lun, a machining-feature-driven approach to locating scheme in multi-axis milling, international journal of machine tools and manufacture, 2010, 50(1):42-50.
万小金,王凯,李清蕾,闫志喜,一种弱刚性工件混联智能夹具装置, zl201611069150.3.
万小金,唐可,一种仿腕关节并联柔顺打磨机器人, 201810200749.9.
万小金,吴云,一种打磨机器人末端执行器, 201911149814.0.
万小金,刘立成,伺服电机故障诊断系统, 2018sr578264.
万小金,杨军强,工业机器人控制系统, 2018sr611620.